Montreal & Formula 1



OH goodness.

Montreal 2015. Motorcycles, Rain, Disasters.  Le Misérable.

Stories Including: 
Jon wearing a trash bag as a shirt.
Nate wearing a poncho/dress.
Covering a Tim Horton's floor in water dripping from our clothes.
Nate's bike (Xena) breaking down in every way possible, multiple times.
Trying to decide how to get Nate home, not realizing motorcycles can be fixed...
All three of us surrounding a hot air hand dryer in a single bathroom for warmth.
A new definition of exhausted.
Pouring water out of our boots.
Wet feet.
Nate wearing a blanket under his jacket for 7 days straight.
A single, beautiful, sunny day in Montreal.
Poutine and coffee.
Lovely French speaking women.
French Auctions and amazing hot dogs at the Gas Station/Food truck.
Justin's socks stink bombing the hotel room.
Jon wearing Justin's multi-day old socks because they're slightly less wet than his.
Waking up with the tents flooded.
Being cursed by Gypsies.
The 2015 Montreal Formula 1 GP.
Finding heaven at the Elmhurst Inn.
Eating Airborne all day every day.
Justin dropping Nate's bike.
Nate's bank account shutting down his debit card.
and many more.

A lovely, but challenging, trip!  I would do it over again in a heartbeat.  I also want to say that we never turned on one another, and we worked fantastically as a team to get through the whole ordeal.  I love these guys...